Explore the art of developing fluency with addition and subtraction, analyzing shapes, measurement, and many other Grade 2 level skills. Develop a strong sense of problem-solving skills, reasoning abilities, and more using Grade 2 Math worksheets.
Students of Grade 2 can solve the worksheets on Geometry 2D Shapes with the help of concepts and methods like Edges, Vertices and Sides, Draw the shape, Triangle, Circle, Trapezoid, Parallelogram, Hexagon, Pentagon, Octogon, Rhombus and more.
Class 2 Math worksheets consist of multiple choice questions on Geometry 3D Shapes with the help of sums on Differentiate 2d and 3d shapes, Faces, Curved surface, Edges and Vertex, Sphere, Cube, Cone, Cylinder
2nd grade math worksheets cover the topics of One-step and Two-step addition with the subtopics and question categories like 2 by 1 Digit Addition With and Without Regrouping, Place value tables, Number pattern, Number bonds and more.
Grade 2 Math worksheets include questions related to One-Step and Two-Steps Subtraction with the help of One step Subtraction With and Without Decomposition, subtraction sentence, Subtrahend, difference, minuend, Snake and Ladder game, number line. These concepts and methods help the students in understanding the topic better.
Math worksheets for 2nd grade related to complex level mathematics. Find questions to identify addition problems with the keywords: Number bonds to solve Word Problems on one Step Addition and Subtraction with the help of bar model.
Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction with the help of two step addition and subtraction, bar model, number sentence.
Class 2 students can solve worksheets on Skip Counting and Odd-Even Numbers. It includes questions related to number line, skip counting by 10, Count by 2’s, 5’s, or 10’s, backward counting, Arrange smallest to largest.
Math worksheets for Grade 2 students on Place Values - Hundreds, Tens and Ones. It includes questions related to standard and expanded form, Face value and Place value, Grouping into tens and ones, Converting place values.
Questions on Comparing and ordering numbers using different techniques like Add Multiples of 10’s and 100’s, number line, number bonds, Add multiple of 100’s, number sentence
Solve Grade 2 math worksheets based on the concept of measurements. It includes questions related to Subtract Multiples of 10’s and 100’s, number sentence, number line, number bonds.
Class 2 math worksheets on the topic Story Problems on Both Addition and Subtraction. It includes questions related to number sentence, bar models.
Math worksheets on Comparing Numbers. Easy to understand questions based on number representations for the place value models, abacus models, see-saw diagrams, comparison symbols.
Class 2 math worksheets on Ordering Numbers consist of dominoes, sorting, ascending and descending order, story problems.
Math worksheets on Graph Theory. It includes questions related to Introduction to Graphs, adjacent vertices and edges, loop graph, degree of vertex, cycle graph and more.