Math Calculators > Roman Numeral Converter
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Roman Numeral Converter

A “Roman Numeral Converter” is a tool that shows the Roman numeral representation of an input number.

Why do we use Roman Numeral Converter?

This conversion is automated, so there is no longer a need for manual computations using symbols or conversion tables. For everyone who needs accurate Roman number equivalents, this converter calculator serves as a helpful educational tool, a time-saving technology, and a useful practical utility.

How to convert Numbers to Roman Numerals using Roman Numeral Converter?

Step 1: Enter the number in the input box.

Step 2: Click “Convert” and the corresponding Roman Numeral will be displayed

Step 3: Further, click “Reset” button to enter the next number.

What are Roman Numerals?

Roman numerals are based on seven symbols (IVXLCDM). A symbol placed after another of equal or greater value adds its value and a symbol is placed before one of greater value to subtract its value.

Roman NumeralNumber value

Purpose of Roman Numerals

What purpose do these Roman numerals have?

Let’s see an Example on how the conversion works

Convert 46 into Roman numerals.

46 = - 10 + 50 + 5 + 1
= X + L + V + I

Remember that a number should not repeat itself more than THREE times in a row, therefore we can find Roman Numerals up to 3000 only.

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