A “Roman Numeral Converter” is a tool that shows the Roman numeral representation of an input number.
Why do we use Roman Numeral Converter?
This conversion is automated, so there is no longer a need for manual computations using symbols or conversion tables. For everyone who needs accurate Roman number equivalents, this converter calculator serves as a helpful educational tool, a time-saving technology, and a useful practical utility.
How to convert Numbers to Roman Numerals using Roman Numeral Converter?
Step 1: Enter the number in the input box.
Step 2: Click “Convert” and the corresponding Roman Numeral will be displayed
Step 3: Further, click “Reset” button to enter the next number.
What are Roman Numerals?
Roman numerals are based on seven symbols (IVXLCDM). A symbol placed after another of equal or greater value adds its value and a symbol is placed before one of greater value to subtract its value.
Roman Numeral | Number value |
I | 1 |
V | 5 |
X | 10 |
L | 50 |
C | 100 |
D | 500 |
Purpose of Roman Numerals
What purpose do these Roman numerals have?
Let’s see an Example on how the conversion works
Convert 46 into Roman numerals.
46 = - 10 + 50 + 5 + 1
= X + L + V + I
Remember that a number should not repeat itself more than THREE times in a row, therefore we can find Roman Numerals up to 3000 only.