Converting decimal numbers to fraction form is required in many use cases. And this online tool is useful in this conversion quickly. Just enter the decimal form of the number and get its equivalent fraction form.
How to calculate the decimal to fraction?
Step 1 : Enter the decimal value
Step 2 : Click the Calculate button
On clicking the calculate button, the fractional value of the entered decimal number will be shown.
Examples for the conversion of the decimal to fraction values
Q1. Convert the decimal value 4.5 to Fraction value.
Solution : Fractional value =
Q2. Convert the decimal value 5.5 to Fraction value.
Solution : Fractional value =
Decimal to fraction conversion is an important skill for many applications in mathematics, science, engineering, and finance. Whether you need to convert a decimal to a fraction for a homework assignment, a scientific experiment, or a financial calculation, a decimal to fraction converter can make the process quick and easy.
Decimal numbers represent quantities that are not necessarily whole numbers, and are written with a decimal point and one or more digits after it. For example, the decimal number 3.5 represents a quantity that is greater than 3 and less than 4. Fractional numbers, on the other hand, represent quantities that are expressed as a ratio of two integers, with one integer on top (the numerator) and the other on the bottom (the denominator). For example, the fraction 7/2 represents a quantity that is equal to 3.5.
Converting a decimal to a fraction involves finding a fraction that represents the same quantity as the decimal. This can be done by expressing the decimal as a fraction with a denominator of 10, 100, 1000, or some other power of 10, and then simplifying the resulting fraction. For example, the decimal 0.5 can be written as the fraction 5/10, which can be simplified to 1/2.
To use a decimal to fraction converter, you simply need to enter the decimal value and the converter will return the fraction equivalent. Some converters allow you to specify the number of decimal places to include in the output, while others automatically round the output to a certain number of decimal places.
In addition to converting decimals to fractions, some converters can also convert fractions to decimals, and some can convert mixed numbers or improper fractions to mixed numbers or whole numbers.
There are many different applications for decimal to fraction conversion in various fields. In mathematics, decimal to fraction conversion is used to simplify calculations and to solve equations that involve fractions or decimals. In science, decimal to fraction conversion is used to express measurements or quantities in a more precise or convenient form, and to compare different measurements or quantities. In engineering, decimal to fraction conversion is used to design and construct systems or devices that require precise measurements or specifications. In finance, decimal to fraction conversion is used to calculate interest rates, investment returns, and other financial metrics.
One important concept related to decimal to fraction conversion is the idea of repeating decimals. A repeating decimal is a decimal number that has a repeating pattern of digits after the decimal point. For example, the decimal 0.333… represents a quantity that is equal to 1/3, and the decimal 0.666… represents a quantity that is equal to 2/3. To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, it is necessary to express the repeating pattern as a fraction and then simplify the resulting fraction. For example, the repeating decimal 0.333… can be expressed as the fraction 1/3, and the repeating decimal 0.666… can be expressed as the fraction 2/3.
Another important concept related to decimal to fraction conversion is the idea of rounding. When converting a decimal to a fraction, it is important to consider the precision of the original decimal and the desired precision of the output. For example, if the original decimal value is 0.123456 and the desired output precision is two decimal places, then the fraction equivalent would be 12345/100000, which can be rounded to 62/500. However, if the original decimal value is 0.123450 and the desired output precision is also two decimal places, then the fraction equivalent would be 12345/100000, which can be rounded to 1235/10000.